Did you wake up today and notice a rash or other issue on your skin that you fear is the result of a sexually transmitted disease? This can obviously be something that can cause panic, but it may be possible to get STD treatment to get the situation under control and not let it cause long-term issues for you. If you believe you've recently gotten an STD, here are some tips to keep in mind as you believe forward and seek out help.
Don't Touch or Pick at the Affected Area
The STD infection might have you feeling uncomfortable but it's not a good idea to touch the affected area like a rash or other condition, especially if you don't know exactly what it is yet. You don't want the issue to spread and repeatedly scratching could cause the area to become inflamed and hurt even more.
Inform Sexual Partners of the Situation
You should also consider your moral obligation to inform sexual partners of your developing STD as soon as you are aware of the situation. Cease sexual activity until you are certain what the problem is and know whether or not it is contagious.
Put Your Embarrassment Aside and Get Professional Help
Getting an STD can feel embarrassing and it's not something people like talking about. But seek out a professional in STD treatment and you will likely be in good hands. STD health professionals understand that discretion is key in this area and you should feel comfortable speaking freely about the situation. Seeking out an STD health professional specifically will also let you get help for your problem from someone you don't already have an established relationship with like your long-term primary care doctor, and that can make it easier for you to talk about the situation.
Take Any Medications for the Full Duration and Not Just Until the Problem Clears Up
Some STDs can be cleared up over time with an antibiotic. If you are prescribed medication for your STD, be sure to use the medication for the full length of the prescription. Just because you can no longer visually see the problem does not mean it's not still in your bloodstream. Failing to take all of your medicine could cause the problem to come back.
Going forward, be vigilant and look for any signs of the STDs return. If the STD is not curable, ask your health professional about what you need to know before engaging in future sexual activity. For more information on STD treatment, contact a professional near you.