4 Ways To Market Yourself As A Psychologist

Whether you are in private practice or work for an organization, proactively marketing your therapy services is critical to your success. With savvy marketing, you can ensure a full roster of clients and even get to a point where you are able to increase your rates. Here are four psychology marketing tips to try out: Build a Website for Your Practice These days, a working website is a necessity for any psychologist. [Read More]

Don't Miss With MS: Physical Therapy Exercises For Those With Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an incredibly variable disease, affecting everyone who has it in slightly different (or even wildly different, in some cases) ways. However, a symptom most people have in common – that of muscle degeneration – is one of the more worrisome for those who would still like to remain as strong and mobile as possible. So what are you do to if you want to still work out? [Read More]

What Are Your Treatment Options For Plantar Fasciitis?

The pulling, straining pain of plantar fasciitis is difficult to ignore. This discomfort in your heel and arch can make it hard to walk, let alone participate in activities like running, hiking and biking. If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, it's important to seek treatment from a physical therapist or orthopedic specialist. Here's a look at the treatment measures they may recommend.     Conservative Therapy If this is the first time you've suffered from plantar fasciitis, your doctor will likely recommend trying conservative treatments first. [Read More]

2 Things To Know About Children With Bowed Legs

Babies are all naturally born bow-legged, and this happens because of the position they are in inside the womb. When your baby was born, his or her legs were probably really curved, but most children's legs straighten out as they grow up. If your child is three years old and still has legs that appear like this, it might be worthwhile to talk to your child's pediatrician. Here are several things you should know about this. [Read More]