3 Ways Your Eyes Are Telling You That You're Getting Older

Just as with every other part of your body, your eyes go through significant changed as you age. In fact, eye changes and vision problems are among the first signs of aging. For most people, eye changes start occurring in their 40s. However, computers and technology are speeding up the aging process, at least when it comes to the eyes. It's not uncommon for people in their 30s to experience eye issues, especially if they are on the computer a lot. If you are experiencing eye changes, they might be age related. Following are three ways your eyes are telling you that you're getting older. 

Inability to Read Fine Print

If you've noticed that you can't read small print or focus up close, you might be suffering from presbyopia, a common condition related to age. In this condition, the lenses of your eyes become less flexible, making it impossible for you to focus clearly. While your eyes will never be young like they used to be, you can learn to live with this condition. Common solutions for presbyopia include reading glasses, protective lenses, contact lenses and laser eye surgery. 

Irritated and Dry Eyes

As you age, everything gets drier, including your eyes. With age, eyes naturally make less tears, which can lead to dry, irritated eyes. While dry eyes can be very annoying, ignoring the problem could affect your overall eye health. You see, your eyes need to stay wet in order to be completely healthy. If you have dry eyes, try using eye drops and artificial tears. These products are available without a prescription. If you don't get any relief from over-the-counter products, talk to your doctor. There are other tests and treatment options available. 

Annoying Black Spots

If you see black spots or what appears like strings floating across your field of vision, don't obsess over it. This is just another symptom of aging. With age, the fluid in your eye starts to slowly break down, which can cause floaters. While annoying, floaters are harmless in most cases. However, if you suddenly start seeing a lot of floaters or if they are accompanied by flashes of light, you could have a more serious problem and need to seek medical attention right away. 

Your vision will continue to change throughout your lifetime. While bothersome, it's all part of the natural aging process and should not cause alarm. Talk to your optometrist to see what you can do to correct vision issues and alleviate your eye symptoms. 
