A diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or COPD, does not mean you have to be confined to your home. Portable oxygen makes it easier to travel and receive the breathing assistance you need. Here are some tips for using portable oxygen while traveling.
Talk to Your Doctor
Before traveling, talk to your doctor to find out if there are any restrictions of which you should be aware. You also need to obtain a copy of your medicine and oxygen prescriptions. If you are traveling by train, bus, cruise, or airplane, it is possible that you could be asked to provide copies of the prescriptions to prove your medicines and oxygen are medically approved.
Rent the Oxygen Ahead of Time
One of the biggest mistakes you can make is to rent the portable oxygen you need the day before traveling. If you wait until then, you might not have the time needed to thoroughly check out the equipment and ensure that it is properly functioning. As a result, you would not be aware of any problems until you actually try to use the tanks.
If you have never used portable oxygen tanks before, you can also use that time to get familiar with the equipment. Your health care equipment supplier like Medi-Rents & Sales Inc can help you understand how to use the tanks and ensure you know how to maintain it.
When talking to your supplier, find out if the same company has suppliers in the area to which you are traveling. If so, obtain the supplier's contact information.
Research Traveling Policies
Before leaving, contact your travel carrier to find out what the traveling policies are for portable oxygen. Some carriers have fees associated with using portable oxygen. You might also be required to ensure that your equipment meets certain standards, such as having the tanks at a certain capacity before boarding.
If you have to provide your carrier with a list of your prescriptions or your doctor's orders before traveling, try to do so a few days before to avoid any delays when it is time to leave for your destination. Confirm the documentation has been received by contacting the carrier the day before.
Rest When Needed
Traveling can take a lot out of you. This is especially true if you are traveling by car. Fatigue can exacerbate your condition and slow your travels. Although you might be pushing to reach your destination quickly, it is important that you schedule breaks while driving.