3 Signs It Is Time To See A Fertility Specialist

When you and your partner have decided to start a family, it can seem like everyone around you is getting pregnant. When month after month, the pregnancy test shows negative, it can be very stressful and confusing. Your first thought may be that you cannot have children, but you would just be jumping to conclusions if you had no medical proof to back that up. In fact, about 60% of women and 50% of men feel that they could be infertile without any information showing this to be the case. While you may want to run to your doctor to see what the hold up is, there could be a logical explanation for why you haven't conceived yet. Here are some signs it is time to visit a fertility specialist. 

You've Been Trying for A While

You cannot always expect to get pregnant the first month that you begin trying. Every woman's menstrual cycle is different and you only have certain days of the month where you are actually fertile. In order to get pregnant, you need to be having intercourse during these specific days. Unless you are tracking your cycle, it can be very hard to determine when the right time is. If you are younger than 35 and have been trying for a year, then you should seek help from a medical professional. For those older than 35, you should typically give it 6 months before seeing a fertility specialist. 

Your Primary Doctor Has Ruled Out Issues

There is more than just infertility that could cause you not get pregnant. Your health is a major part of being able to get pregnant. In order to rule out health issues that could be prohibiting you from conceiving, you want to first consult with your primary doctor. By letting your doctor know that you are trying to conceive, they can check for issues that could make it more difficult, such as weight, blood pressure, and emotional state. Once they have ruled out any of these issues, you can then ask for a referral to a fertility specialist. 

You've Tracked Your Cycle

One of the best ways to predict what days give you the best chance at getting pregnant is by tracking your cycle. With new technology emerging, tracking your cycle can be as easy as downloading an app. There are several apps available for smartphones that make tracking your cycle easy. On average, ovulation usually occurs about 14 days before the next cycle starts. Knowing this, you can determine which days you should focus on having intercourse. 

To learn more about family planning, contact a company like Abortion Care
